
A developer is not testing the work. How would you deal with this?

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August 25, 2024

A developer is not testing the work. How would you deal with this?

Category: Behavioral Asked at: Google Difficulty:

Question Explanation

This question revolves around your problem-solving and conflict resolution skills, particularly within a team setting. It is looking for insights into how you approach issues that may arise in the development process, such as a developer failing to test their work, and how you handle these problems while maintaining productive relationships with your team members. It's important to answer this question focusing on: Your understanding of the necessity of testing in the development process. How you would approach the developer to discuss this issue. How you propose a solution that benefits both the project and the team member. If necessary, how you will involve the team lead or manager to resolve this issue.

Answer Example 1

In my experience, it's often beneficial to approach the developer first, expressing my concern in a constructive, non-confrontational way. I would explain the vital role of testing in preventing potential bugs, improving code reliability, and overall facilitating the development process. An example of this might be: "Hey, I've noticed that some of your tasks haven't been thoroughly tested before being marked as completed. Testing can help catch bugs early and enhance code reliability. If time constraint is your concern, we can discuss with the team lead about adjusting the schedule or acquiring additional resources to ensure adequate testing time." If these efforts are not successful, I would escalate the issue to a manager or team lead, as it is crucial not only for the quality of the product but also for maintaining a well-functioning team.

Answer Example 2

In dealing with a situation where a developer is not testing their work, I would first empathize with them and seek to understand the reason behind this. Perhaps they are under pressure, overwhelmed, or unsure of how to conduct effective testing. I could say something like: "I've observed that there has been minimal testing on your assignments. I understand we're all under a lot of pressure in this project. If you're having difficulties finding time to properly test your code, we can talk to our team lead to find a solution, perhaps in the form of adjusted deadlines, test automation, or extra help. Remember, we are a team and we're here to support each other." Even though raising this issue may be challenging, it is necessary for ensuring the quality of the project and maintaining team efficiency and cooperation. 12Share